Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Children's Navidad Fiesta

The Children's Navidad Fiesta

On Sunday I went to Chicxulub for the first ever Christmas party held for the town's childrens. Sharon Helgason who runs the food bank and her great circle of supporters put off a wonderful time. Since this was the first Sharon did not know how many children would arrive but planned for 200.There was Santa and his helpers, presents for all the children, chocolate candies and cake and referescos.

This cake was delicious...the lady gave me the last lick off the knife!

Santa was the real deal..

One of Santa's helpers

There were many children and their Moms that lined up for 10am and continued to come until the doors were closed. There were so many happy faces and a few timid ones as well.

The line up begins...

No smiles here...

I don't know about this...

This little guy hid behind his sister all the way in to see Santa

But his face lit up when he got his gift!!

The Moms were happy too!!

One of the local children provided music on her keyboard and the party was deemed a great success due to the generosity of the expats who provided money or supplies so this could happen.

She took her job seriously...

So did I...

Being away from home and not having small children for such a long time this was a treat to see how well behaved the children were and how grateful the parents were for this gift of giving. It made my Christmas for sure!!

I love his hat!!

Isn't she sweet??

We have also met some great people and two of them, Del and Evelyn invited us for a Christmas/birthday party at their house. There was lots of food and drink in a great courtyard with us having the pleasure to meet many more local and long term visiting people from NOB. ( North of the Border). Needless to say they are an interesting lot!

It is nice to be able to sit out in the courtyard in December.

Don is back to himself after another stomach bug which he suffered through alone as I didn't get it and am thankful for that. We did a trip into town by bus and got a few supplies as we are trying to get everything we need for when our company gets here next week. Not having a car means we live like the locals by either walking or taking the bus everyday to get what we need. It is great exercise as well as a great way to immerse ourselves in the local culture. We get a lot of Holas and Buenas Dias from our neighbourhood.

We are hoping to take in some of the Christmas festivies this week and will hopefully have some pics to post as well. Here are a few pictures of some of the decorations here in the square at Progreso.

These are little Christmas houses with fake snow!
Santa and the town Christmas tree..

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Debbie! It sounds as if you are both settling in and getting to experience authentic Mexican culture. Not likely to happen on a resort! Sorry to hear of Don's stomach troubles ... hope he feels better soon. Have a happy Christmas filled with all the peace and joy this season brings.
