Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Osaka and Oiso

Osaka is not far from Kyoto by train so we decided to do a day trip there. We departed from Kyoto Station which is a very new and very large place...

Since it is a Golden Week the place was more busy than usual.

We thought Osaka was a small city but we were wrong as it has 9 million people and is a center of commerce and business. Since we only had a few hours we rushed to get the sightseeing bus and just made it as we got off at the wrong station. However with the efficient system here we did not have to wait long for the the next train to come by. It took us awhile to figure out we were in the wrong place but the people here are so friendly and will come to help you every time.

So most of our view of Osaka was from a constantly moving bus, a very modern city...

Many tree lined boulevards...

The tallest building in Japan designed by the same architect who designed the Twin Tours in KL...

It is 60 stories high and also contains the largest department store in the country.

Modern buildings...

This is the museum building.

Osaka like most of the other cities we have seen in Japan has beautiful rivers, in a way reminds us of Chicago  but bigger...

Green spaces as well...

Places to relax...

When we got back to the train station we decided to take the subway back to the food and entertainment  district in search of two foods we had yet to try and were typical to this region. The area was loud and busy...

This is the first food we found called Takayuki which are octupus balls topped with dried grated tuna flakes...

We sat with a young couple from Malaysia and passed an hour or so sharing stories and a few laughs...

Our second stop was for okonomakyi which is a type of potato pancake filled with seafood...shrimp, squid, octupus. It is made, brought to your table and then cooked on the hot plate in front of you. It tasted like delicious hash!

Next to us were these two young Japanese man who were eager to talk with us using a little English, no Japanese and Google Translare. They were hilarious sharing their food of pickles and beef giblets and also their plum liqueur...

One of the beauties of travelling are the people we meet and share some time with so our day in Osaka was a great one!

Our time is now running out in Japan as we start to head back to Tokyo but we had one more stop in a small beach town called Oiso which is halfway between Kyoto and Tokyo. We stayed in a very unusual place owned by two artists who live there with their three sons...

They have four guest rooms and we had the attic room which was open to the sky...

It was up two narrow winding staircases which are a danger when you have to go to the bathroom at night! 

Massomi picked us up from the station and then we stopped off at a fish market to pick out our supper...

There were six of us staying the night and the hosts made us a wonderful meal of fresh seafood with all the trimmings...

We had octupus, tuna, oysters and other fish that I don't know the name with tofu, greens they picked from the mountain, pickled vegetables, Japanese desserts which were bean curd, ginger and cinnamon candy, and chocolate covered tofu. And handmade sushi! This was all washed down with wine and Japanese liqueur and it was the best meal we have had in Japan by far.

We had a great evening together...

The next day we explored the town of Oiso which is about an hour outside of Tokyo with a population of 30,000. It is a very prosperous town with many people working and commuting to and from Tokyo. Many people in the town work for Mitsubishi.

Lots of large well kept properties...

They have a beautiful mountainside park...

With beautiful views of Mt. Fuji...

And the ocean...

As we walked there were flowers everywhere...

It has a beautiful beach...

With surfers...

Also tsunami signs everywhere in the town...

That night more great food and music...

Before we left the last day our hosts took us to a number of events around town celebrating Children's Day and a special religious day which has been celebrated in this region for 1300 years...

A parade by the house...

At the temple...

The leader and his assistants...

Followed by dancers into the temple...

Where they performed a lovely slow dance with their fans...

All the local dignataries were there, we were the only Non Japanese and were welcomed by the mayor...

We then went to another ceremony on the hillside which was very colorful with lots of people...

Finally we went to the Children's Fair...

Games of chance...

Lots of food...

Enjoying their snacks...

And finally walking home from the celebrations...

This small town was anther wonderful stop and our last one in Japan and of our whole trip. The next stop was Tokyo airport and a flight home to Canada.

We have had an amazing trip over the last four months...visited 8 countries and saw so many wonders, met beautiful people and have great memories. Now to home for awhile and before long the plans begin for the next one!

Thanks to everyone who followed the blog, even though I write it as an online journal for my own memories I enjoy knowing that others get to travel with us. Until next time...