It seems as if the weeks just fly by and it is Sunday again and time to capture some of the happenings in a new blog post. This week started out very sunny as it was on Monday which was cruise ship day in Progreso. This is a day when there are crowds of tourists and locals especially vendors on the malecon. We have never been down town when the ship comes in so decided to go to the Organic Market on the bus and then walk back.
Everyone was out enjoying the day |
Sweets anyone?? These vendors sell marshmallow treats, nuts, merangues and all manner of goodies. |
Want to take a picture of my pet iguana?? For a price of course... |
A woman named Lina is starting a small Whole Foods market in her courtyard on Monday mornings so she doesn't have a lot for sale but I think it will grow with demand. We bought some organic carrots for supper as well as chiplote chutney that has a kick to it. She also sells farmed rabbit and organic lamb which we hope to try another day. With Don's stomach back to normal he is starting, just barely though to fiqure he can eat out and try something new.
While we on the malecon we stopped into Eladio's which is a beach bar that serves the best botanas. Botanas?? Well here in Mexico in many bars they serve these as free appetizers and the more you drink the more they serve you. Eladio's botanas were great especially the squid in ink and the octopus cerviche. Both were really fresh and tasty. The trick here is to drink a lot and when you leave you are full without buying food!
Botanos and beer... |
Squid in ink... |
We also had our first introduction to the Mexican health care system as Don had to make a trip to the doctor because his gout is acting up...too many cervazas!! We went to the private hospital to see the doctor which costs 24 CAD and then his pills cost around 2 CAD. Both prices seemed very reasonable to us and the wait was not too long. Apparently we would have been treated for free at the public hospital but the line winds out around the door. Two tier health system??
Don at the entrance to the hospital... |
The weather turned midweek as the 20th norte of the season blew in with a vengence and it rained nonstop for two days and the temperature dropped to the low teens. As the wind howled if we didn't know we were in Mexico we would be convinced that a huge nor'easter was blowing through. That day I had a hair appointment again my first since I have been here. When we went up town there was water everywhere over the streets and Isabelle, the hair dresser said that schools are cancelled on these days, their version of a snow day only it is too wet to go outside!!
Isabelle's shop... |
We were the only ones at the hairdresser as all her customers stayed home so she cut Don's hair as well as mine. She did an excellent job for very liile money compared to home. I also had a manicure and pedicure that cost me 11 CAD for both. The young woman Abby did a good job and her hand cream was AVON. Also the hairdresser does not give you a shampoo and she washes your hair in cold water from a bucket. But this is Mexico!
Abby doing my manicure... |
We went out on Friday night for fresh fish at a local restaurant owned by an American woman, Natasha, who is married to a Mexican guy Lupe. They have a small restaurant where they live in the apartment above and on Friday they serve fish that Lupe caught that day. He is also the cook and the fish, mare, was so delicious that we are planning on going back again next week. The place was full of Canadians and Americans so many that we had to wait for a table but the wait was so worth it! I think for me the fish here has been the highlight of my restaurant meals.
Don and I at Pantelone's...
Lupe's mare...deliciouso!! |
We also went for a meeting with the group that is hoping to do some work in the schools. The group is small but motivated and tomorrow we are going to visit the schools and get an idea of how we might fit in their schedule. There is a difference of opinion about whether we should set up in the school during class hours and work with a captive audience or set up after school and work with the ones who stay for the class. I guess we will work it out this week and start the week after. Should have some pictures to share next week.
Finally today we went to Merida with our friend, Brin. We met her at the marketplace here in Progreso for breakfast and she ordered for us. We had 3 different kinds of tortillas, one called sopas and the rest I can't remember. There was a chicken (pollo) one, a ground beef one and a spicy poc (pork) one. We had this local drink called horchata which is made out of rice and tastes like white pepto bismal!
The mercardo food court,that's Don in the orange... |
Our breafast... |
We took the bus into town, stopped in a grocery store and then into Centro where we explored around for awhile.As usual Merida has a festival on the go and this month it is Festival del la Cuidad celebrating the 469th year of the founding of Merida.This festival focuses on the arts and there are many events planned for the month of January. While we there today there was dance troupe from Columbia performing for the crowds. That is one of the things I really like about Merida the number of cultural and arts events that are held every week that are free of charge for everyone. I wish some of our towns and cities could be the same.
One of the dancers, they could really swirl those dresses! |
The crowds were enjoying the entertainment.
One of the Cathedral's spires lit up at night... |
We went to the mercardo but being Sunday a lot of the stalls were closed so Don and I will go back another time as it is huge and looks to be interesting. Stopped at a few places for a beer ( it was hot there today), then took it some of the street entertainment and had pizza for supper. All in all a good ending to the week.
The peppers lady... |
Lining up for tortillas which are sold for no more than 13 pesos a Kg which is the rate set by the gov't. |
Brin and Don in the chicken aisle... |
I love the little old ladies wearing their embroidered white dresses. |
One of the places we stopped and we were the only non Mexicans there. The band sounded good and people were dancing, drinking and having a good time on a Sunday afternoon. |